Knowledge base
Information about all tournaments at The Gathering
This page contains the most up-to-date information about the tournaments you can compete in at The Gathering.
For new teams, this space will be helpful during your first days, to better learn about the tournaments, rules and more.
For recurring teams, this space will act as a reminder and allow you to find answers about tournaments, rules and more.
Ansvarsfraskrivelse / Disclaimer
Følegende gjelder for alle spill konkuranser på The Gathering! / The following applies to all gaming competitions at The Gathering!
Ansvarsfraskrivelse for spill turneringer
Turneringsadministratorer og Game Crew har rett til å endre reglene når som helst. Det er spillerens ansvar å holde seg oppdatert på eventuelle endringer. Ordene til en turneringsadministrator er endelige og kan ikke ankes.
Disclaimer for game tournaments
Tournament admins and Game Crew have the right to change the rules at any time. It is the player's responsibility to stay updated on any changes. The word of a tournament admin is final and cannot be appealed.
Last updated